Sunday, May 5, 2013

Qualities of a Bhakta (Devotee)

[Lecture broadcast on radio in the then British Guiana (now Guyana) by DN Persaud
(You can scroll through the handwritten notes)
In the two talks previously broadcast from this station on the 26th September and 10th October, I spoke of the twin aspects of Karma Yoga and Bhakti yoga., the ways of achieving God through action and through devotion.

These two ways really overlap and in the end merge into one that is, the Karma Yogi eventually becomes the Bhakta, the devotee.

Today I intend to tell you what are the qualities of a true Bhakta or devotee of God. I shall tell you in the Lord's own words, as outlined in the 12th Chapter of the Bhagavad Gita

Says the Lord :-
My devotee or Bhakta hates no one, he bears no grudge against anyone. All creatures are his friends, he is merciful to all.
To be able to to this, he puts away all personal attachments, and selfishness and regards himself as nothing For him, grief and happiness are one.
He forgets those who does him wrong or hurts him and as he prays for the forgiveness of the world for his faults.
He is always contented with whatever comes to him, and is firm in his desire to do good at all times.
He never causes trouble or fear in others and he himself knows no trouble of rear through others.
My devotee is free from joy or sorrow, pleasure or pain. He has no desires, but is pure , skilful and wise.
Whatever good he undertakes to do, he carries it out to the end regardless of what may happen to hinder or stop him and he gives up the fruit whether good or bad, always remaining unconcerned. He knows no enemies and does care whether he receives honour or disgrace.

In peace and silence, contented with whatever may come his way, he lives inwardly as if alone and always remains calm, no matter what may be going on around him.

One who lives in this manner, full of faith, he is my Beloved Devotee..

This is the pattern which the Lord has set us, this what we should ever try to be like. Let us resolve that we would become the Beloved Devotee of the Lord.

The first step in this direction is to become fearless. The other qualities will follow very quickly if we were to banish fear, for the path of Truth is the path of the brave and not the cowards. The brave are those who are armed with fearlessness. Only cowards resort to the sword and the rifle.

We must have any fear of disease or bodily injury or even death. We must not be afraid of losing our wealth or our property .
We must not be afraid of losing those who are nearest and dearest to us. We must not fear of offending anyone in the cause of truth, nor should we fear of losing our reputation if it is necessary to lose it in a good cause.
Some of us do not fear death, but yet run from the minor ills of life. Some are ready to die themselves, but cannot bear to lose their loved ones. Some will put up wall this, will part even with their lives, but not with their property.

Others will do any number of bad things to keep up what they call a good name some will swerve from the straight and narrow path which lies clear before them, simply because they are afraid of what people would say.

The Lord's devotee must conquer all these fears.
He should be ready to sacrifice everything for the truth and what is right.
It is true that perfect fearlessness can come only with the realisation of God. But we can always progress towards this goal by constantly trying with determination to reach it, and by increasing confidence in ourselves.

If were to analyse it , we would find that all our fears are due to the fact that we think we are the body and because of our attachment to the body, we would find that if were to get rid of this attachment to the body and subdue the enemies with in, the form of passion, anger, greed and so , all our fears will disappear like magic.
Fear will have no place in our hearts when we shake off the attachment for wealth, for family and for the body.
Wealth, the family and the body will be there just the same, we have only to change our attitude to them. All these are not ours, but belong to God.
Nothing whatsoever in the world is ours. Even we ourselves are His. Why then should we have any fear.
The Upanishads directs us to

give up attachment for things while we enjoy them.

That is to say, we must be interested in them not as proprietors, but as trustees. The Lord on whose behalf we hold them will give us the strength and all that is necessary to defend them.

When we cease to be masters and reduce ourselves to the rank of servants, humbler than the dust under our feet, all fear will go away. We shall then quickly and easily acquire all the other qualities of the Lords Beloved Devotee.

We shall then know what is really peace of mind, what is true happiness and shall see the Lord face to face.

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